Monday, 1 August 2011

Assignment 3(b) - Survey Questionnaires

These are our questionnaires for our topic - 21st Century Skills. The link has been uploaded to our coursemates' emails, so anyone of you - please do answer it okay. You can view it here to have an overall idea on how our questions are designed... =)

Note: This is the link to the following questionnaires (accessed via YahooGroup)

21st Century Skills Surveys

SurveyMonkey (Pilot Test) & Google Doc (Multiple Choice)

1.      The term “New Millennium Learning” was coined by
a.       Rushoff (1996)
b.      Brill (1998)
c.       Astin (1998)
d.      Pedro (1996) *

2.      The 21st century is an era in which workers are required to possess skills in
a.       Problem solving
b.      Critical thinking
c.       Team work
d.      All the above *

3.      Which of the following emphasizes the importance of incorporating ICT into education from the earlier grades?
a.       21st Century Tools *
b.      21st Century Context
c.       21st Century Content
d.      None of the above

4.      Students should NOT be assessed by
a.       Testing the ability to answer questions
b.      Merit-demerit system *
c.       Extent of their knowledge
d.      Ability to use 21st century skills

5.      Which of the following are NOT the effects of the development of 21st century skills?
a.       The increase of distance learning programs
b.      Increase in digital database
c.       Increase in digital workload *
d.      Increase in literary skills

6.      What are the examples of research tools?
a.       Word processing
b.      E-mail
c.       Groupware
d.      All of the above *

7.      Which of the following are NOT the values that are incorporated through the 21st century skills?
a.       Accountability
b.      Adaptability
c.       Punctuality *
d.      Social responsibility

8.      To overcome challenges in the 21st century, efforts have been made in the education system through
a.       Curriculum content
b.      Learning activities
c.       Development of JERI
d.      All of the above *

9.      What is the main difference between Malaysian’s 21st century skills and the ones in other countries?
a.       Digital age literacy
b.      Effective communication
c.       Spiritual value
d.      High productivity *

10.  In the Malaysian context, which aspect poses the most challenge in the implementation of 21st century skills?
a.       Weak education system
b.      Absence of infrastructure *
c.       Uncooperative task force
d.      Backward attitude in embracing change

Google Docs (Checkbox)

1.      ICT has made our lives busier. Do you agree?
a.       Yes
b.      No
c.       Not sure

2.      The education system should be responsible in preparing students to face the 21st century
a.       Yes
b.      No

3.      Do you consider yourself as a “computer native” or a “computer immigrant”?
a.       Computer native
b.      Computer immigrant

4.      Are you aware of what the “21st Century Skills” are?
a.       Yes
b.      No
c.       Maybe

5.      Do you believe that the 21st century skills are necessary for your academic excellence?
a.       Yes
b.      No
c.       Not sure

6.      Do you believe that the 21st century skills are necessary for your future in the working world?
a.       Yes
b.      No

7.      Do you prefer ICT to integrate in your teaching, or would you prefer the traditional ‘chalk & talk’ method?
a.       Integration of ICT
b.      ‘Chalk & Talk’
c.       Both
8.      By incorporating the 21st century skills into the education system, do you think it is burdensome for the educators?
a.       Yes
b.      No

9.      By incorporating the 21st century skills into the education system, do you think it is burdensome to the students?
a.       Yes
b.      No

10.  Do you think that enough effort is done by the education ministry to develop 21st century skills in terms of funding and facilities?
a.       Yes
b.      No
c.       Not sure

Google Doc (Scale)

1.      How far do you agree that ICT has made our lives much busier and complicated?
a.       Strongly disagree – strongly agree

2.      The education system should be responsible in preparing students to face the 21st century skills.
a.       Strongly disagree – strongly agree

3.      How would you rate your computer literacy level?
a.       Strongly disagree – strongly agree

4.      21st century skills are extremely important for students today.
a.       Strongly disagree – strongly agree

5.      Nowadays, to be computer literate is just as important as the basic literary skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking)
a.       Strongly disagree – strongly agree

6.      How strongly do you agree in incorporating ICT and 21st century skills in the education system?
a.       Strongly disagree – strongly agree

7.      It is burdensome for the educators when 21st century skills are incorporated in the education system.
a.       Strongly disagree – strongly agree

8.      It is burdensome for the students when 21st century skills are incorporated in the education system.
a.       Strongly disagree – strongly agree

9.      Efforts done by the education ministry to develop 21st century skills among students are sufficient.
a.       Strongly disagree – strongly agree

10.  21st century skills are not as important as achieving academic excellence.
a.       Strongly disagree – strongly agree

Note: There are five scales altogether - from Strongly Disagree, to Disagree, Less Agree, Agree, and Strongly Agree.

Doris Chelam Kasturi
B.Ed TESL (IPGKS-UKM Twinning Programme)
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak,
Jalan Bakam, 98009 Miri,

My Emails :
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Official Facebook Group: DorisChelamKasturi_A135733

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