Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Week 6 - Reflection (& link to assignments)

Week 6 – Reflection (& link to Assignment)

The first assignment for this week is to create a presentation using OpenOffice Impress.

After taking note of good presentation tips (CASPER -, we designed the slides.

Our topic would be the summary and main points of the previous research and report that we have completed, which is “Attitudes towards Technology and
21st Century Skills: A study among B.Ed TESL Undergraduates in IPGKS” (

Therefore, here is the link to the OpenOffice Impress presentation that we have completed and uploaded to Google Docs:

Firstly, creating the presentation using OpenOffice Impress was a bit tough for us initially, as we are more familiar with using Microsoft PowerPoint. Therefore, it took us quite some time in order to complete the task. However, we take it as a useful experience where we can learn to create and design slides using different software. Luckily, we managed to pull through, although we used a minimalistic design.

The link to this assignment has been posted above (Google Docs), and so, this is another link whereby I uploaded this presentation to my YahooGroup (under “21st Century Skills – REPORT”):

Then, we were required to create a multimedia courseware using various software such as Audacity and Windows Movie Maker.

Firstly, creating this project is not as easy as it seems, as we have no basic in using the audio software editor – Audacity ( and little knowledge in using Windows Movie Maker.

However, with our lecturer’s support and guidance, we managed to complete this task on time as well. We would like to thank Mr. Fariduddin for taking extra time and effort in helping us. Also, I was very lucky to have Jennie as my partner as she is more tech-savvy than I am, and is more than willing to spend her time in explaining to me about the requirements of the task, and how to use Audacity to edit our video clip.

So, this is the end result...

All in all, it was a tough week, but we have gained a lot from it. Looking forward to the next one, and hope it would be as fruitful as well.


Doris Chelam Kasturi
B.Ed TESL (IPGKS-UKM Twinning Programme)
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak,
Jalan Bakam, 98009 Miri,

My Emails :
Official Facebook Acc.:
Official Facebook Group: DorisChelamKasturi_A135733

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